Monday, November 4, 2019

Communal Narcissists

Communal narcissists differ from other types of narcissists in that they get supply from a community.

In 2012 Jochen E. Gebauer and collegues saw that the communal narcissist satisfies the same "self-motives of grandiosity, esteem, entitlement, and power" as regular narcissists, "but in communal domains" 

Communal narcissists have a "saint-type bias" that allows for entitlement and grandiose self-views:

  • "I am the most helpful person I know
  • I am the most caring person in my social surroundings
  • I am extraordinarily trustworthy" (Gebauer et al.)

Ironically, the belief that one is, "...the most caring person" in a "social surrounding.." doesn't go well with the original motives under which a community is formed. 

Community implies that its people have common characteristics. The idea behind creating a community is to work for a cause that is greater than each individual. Its purpose has nothing to do with showing that someone is "the most helpful" or "caring" person. 

However  this shouldn't come as a surprise knowing that narcissists are well known for twisting things around and destroying words like honor and altruism. 

Words definitely don't match true intentions when it comes to a communal narcissist.

More on this in today's video: 
English here Spanish here.

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