Sunday, December 29, 2019

One Of The Most Important Things To Understand About Narcissism

A One Person Cult

Being in a narcissistically abusive relationship is very much like being in a cult.

Once you digest this piece of information you begin to understand what happened and then the pieces of the puzzle start fitting together.

One of the pieces of the puzzle is why you sometimes doubt wether you are the narcissist or not. 

"Am I The Narcissist?" Find 3 reasons why you may be feeling like you are more narcissistic than before in today's video and stick to the end to learn more about the similarities between cults and narcissistic abuse.

Love bombing is an expression that comes from a cult, "the Moonies" would love bomb their victims to seduce them and gain more members.

Brainwashing is another one! Erasing your identity, your individuality and your own values and ideas about the world in order to mold them to what a cult wants/needs you to believe.

Tactics like putting people into a trance (aka dissociating) out of, for example, exhaustion in order to instill ideas into their minds are some other manipulative tactics cults use. 

Sounds familiar?

Being in an abusive relationship has a lot in common with being in a cult. 

I'll let you process that for now.

For more on this watch today's video!

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