Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Covert Aggressive and Silence Used as a Manipulation Technique

Someone asked me recently if covert narcissists use silence as a manipulation technique. My answer is yes! they do. 

This is a manipulation tactic that is usually used in combination with many others such as lying, denial, and withholding, to name a few.

They do lie an awful LOT, deny things they said or did, or are doing at that moment, and they also withhold information constantly. The tricky thing is that you only find out they were lying after the abuse has taken place, maybe even way after you leave the relationship, or after they discard you.

They also do silent treatments where they don't talk to their partner. This is done with the intent of controlling the victim even more, and keeping him or her waiting for the narcissist to talk to them, completely confused and devalued. The victim is therefore engaged in an unending loop of worry and misunderstandings providing the narcissist with continuous narcissistic supply.

More on this in today's new video.

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