I wanted to specifically make a video about Covert Narcissism because it's the type of narcissism that is not obvious. The obvious one, overt type, would be the grandiose, flamboyant, highly narcissistic person who believes is better than the rest, and let's us know he or she is convinced about that. Easier to spot.
However, the covert narcissist, in spite of sharing many of the qualities mentioned above (not flamboyant and flashy), is highly dangerous because it operates in a hidden manner. Back handed compliments, covert aggression, gaslighting, lies and manipulation abound when dealing with these people. The thing is it's done pervasively over long periods of time and in a subtle, hidden (covert) way. So it's hard to realize you are dealing with one until the abuse is taking its toll.
Adults and children that stay in contact with family members that tick many of the boxes for a narcissism diagnosis develop serious health issues. It's like being on watch 24/7, like keeping your stress levels up all the time. Adult children of narcissistic parents live in a constant state of worry and guilt that destroys the immune system. Hormonal imbalance, anxiety, muscle pain, depression, insomnia, and irritable bowel syndrome, to name the most common.
By learning the signs we can be more aware, and by being aware we will have more power to spot them and be able to go no contact if possible, or set healthy boundaries.
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