Friday, July 5, 2019


Love for the self: easy to understand, more difficult to get. 

Good news though. Building self-esteem is a process and you can always work on yourself and get more of it!

How to build it then? 

Well, start by watching the video below

One thing is for sure. You'll leave the video being more assertive thanks to the amazing Virginia Satir, who also wrote about the thinking behind assertiveness, and said just what we needed to hear in order for us to really own it.

Some therapists swear by mirror work. A movement led by the super smart and equally sweet Louise Hay.

Others, like Martin Seligman, who discovered learned helplessness,  have a completely different view of what makes a person have good self-esteem. 

"I believe that self esteem is just a meter that reads out the state of the system. It is not an end in itself. When you are doing well in school or work, when you are doing well with the people you love, when you are doing well in play, the meter will register high. When you are doing badly, it will register low."

Nathaniel Branden, the author of Six Pillars of Self Esteem  believes that self-esteem is...

"...the disposition to experience oneself as being competent to cope with the basic challenges of life and of being worthy of happiness. It's the confidence in the efficacy of our mind, in our ability to think."

Whichever is your favorite definition, I hope you'll find the tools you need to start your self- esteem building journey.

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