Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Your Reality

Protecting your reality, and believing in it, can be a revolutionary concept when you are in an abusive relationship.

Narcissistic people rely on making you doubt yourself and on keeping you confused through manipulation. 

When it comes to making you doubt your reality the preferred weapon of choice is gaslighting, also known as "crazy making".

One of the first things you'll need to do when leaving an abusive relationship is to allow yourself to not believe.  Don't believe in the narcissist's invalidation, devaluation and lies.

Stop believing half truths. 

Believe in your reality.

It's your life. You are the one that knows best about your abilities, emotions, likes and dislikes.

You owe it to yourself.

Your Reality is Yours and no one else's.

Today's video was made for family and friends of targets of abuse. (English & EspaƱol)

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